Friday, September 18, 2015

Another blog for you dogs out there.
That's right, I called you a dog. Think about it.

The Robotics class was really something. They sort of dropped a care package of parts and walked away to laugh at us. I got paired up with Freeman, who does well with his hands so that was desirable in a partner. We got into the part with connecting steel beams. That's about as far as we got. I'm not quite sure what the robot does but I saw one of the students from last year bring it to my old school. It was rolling around and picking up stuff. Now that I think about it, I guess that's what it does. The freeform-esque atmosphere of it will prove to be difficult for ones of imbecilic nature. I could only assume the reason we have limited time in each class and the length between them is probably in place to throw off your mojo so you can't jump right back into it. I hope I can google where some of the parts go.

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